Thursday, October 31, 2019

Potusphobia: Fear, Hate, and the President

This is part III in my series. To read previous posts, click on these titles:  

A few recent headlines:

 Trump Shares Pastor’s Warning of ‘Civil War-Like Fracture’ If Impeached

 A Failed Schiff/CIA Led Coup Against Trump Will Bring Hillary Into the Presidential Race 

Thousands of Occultists Plan Halloween ‘Spell’ Ritual to‘Stop Trump’
    (Interesting that "the vote" took place on Halloween.)

 'Trump' bound, abused appears in Dhvani's Times Square ad buy: 'We're not afraid'


I won’t get into the weirdness of these articles. The headlines are enough but click on the titles above if you want to read more. I'm not sure if potusphobia is an actual word, but it’s time to add it to the next edition of Webster’s dictionary. Americans are afraid of the president. It’s not that citizens are cowering in corners, fearing annihilation by a dictatorial leader. It’s not an attitude of respect, which is a shame because we should respect the president. This indignation is born out of a fear of loss. But what are we losing?


Some say we’re losing the ground we gained under the former administration. We’re going backward. We were close to securing what we perceived as equality for all, close to gaining control over the bad element in our society, close to unfailing protection, close to proper adjustments in how our money is spent, close to giving up the false notion that we live in the greatest nation ever existing. We were close to achieving a new way of life, a new American dream. And close to discarding the old dream.


And then, by some fluke, Donald Trump got elected. And every accomplishment of the twenty-first century was lost. Issues that had been purportedly filed away with all the reasons America was truly never great were brought back into practice. Bigots were back. (They never left.) Closed borders were back. (The laws regarding our borders have not changed. The expansion of Obama’s executive action, DACA, has been held up by the legal challenge of twenty-six states, not by the actions of one man.) Abortion was threatened. (The laws concerning abortion have become overall more lenient.) The LGBT community was put on notice. (Some may fear the undoing of Obama-era progress here, but others in the community recognize the grueling presidential task of balancing the rights of every group, including those who uphold the religious liberties upon which this nation was founded.)


Americans are not losing their rights, at least not by the pen or power of Donald Trump. Nevertheless, fear of a supposed new equality for all being snatched away has sent many people into panic mode. A student interviewed outside a recent event at her university balked that her school would allow Donald Trump Jr. to speak on campus since he was the son of a racist, homophobic, xenophobic president. And she was not alone. Protesters shouted through the entire presentation. Not in a “let’s debate the issues” manner, but in an “I hate you and everything you stand for” response. As I recommended a few months back on this blog, college students and young Americans need to read The Right Side of History by Ben Shapiro. While Shapiro is no fan of Donald Trump, he is a voice of reason in a time of widespread unreasonableness.


While a portion of the American public may fear, or resist, or want to rid themselves of the current president by any means possible, there is another expansive group of supporters who believe the man is doing okay. He might be brash, unpresidential. Maybe he shouldn’t tweet so much. But he’s the president, and some people respect him. Some people wouldn’t mind another term. Those same people, however, might fear the next president if the election goes the other way. One fragment of the nation might find relief in 2020. Another might become the loud, defiant voice of resistance.


If the whole impeachment thing strategically places a Democratic icon in the running, and if that person loses, civil unrest could reach the point of no restraint. If Trump loses, the other camp might suffer in silence. Or not. Time will tell.


No matter the outcome of the 2020 election, don’t label me as potusphobic. Whether things go my way or not, I will likely tarry a little longer in prayer for our president and our country because peace now seems short-lived. But potusphobia will not be in my dictionary. That’s okay, I don’t live by the dictionary.


I will acknowledge:

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.  Romans 13:1


I will pray:

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. I Timothy 2:1-2


I will try, but I might need to be reminded:

Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people.  Titus 3:1-2

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