In other
words, a man who only believes in his mind that there is a God may not agree in his heart.
An overt
atheist, one fully committed to his unbelief, might indulge in moments of speculation,
even though in his head he knows better. I once knew an atheist who asked me to
pray for him. In his head, he was an atheist, and in his heart, too. But moments of despair or fear, even enlightenment or amazement, may
have led him to consider the prospect of God.
I’ve also
known a few who’ve asked for prayer, not expecting that it will be done, or if
it is done that it won’t accomplish much. The request from this sort of person
is not so much a longing for God, but a grasp at pity. No answer is needed,
only acknowledgement that the person’s life is not the way he wants it to be.
He’s been cosmically cheated out of what he thought was due him.
In his head,
he believes. He assumes God is there, or at least he hopes it. He follows
certain rules, but others he ignores because they aren’t easy for him. Maybe he
goes to church. He gives something of his money and time and attention. In his
mind, he finds the notion of God necessary. But in his heart, God is unknown.
A fool
says in his heart, “There is no God.” Psalm 14:1
The overt
atheist denies God because he sees no option. Nothing proves God’s existence to
him. In both heart and mind, God is absent. But an atheist in practice—a
practical atheist—finds it hard to let go of what God has become to him. The
head belief may be built on tradition. It might come from a childhood
acceptance of a religious order. Or it could just be fear of the proverbial zap
by a lightning bolt for admitting doubt. The practical atheist says there is a God,
but he has no desire, or ability for that matter, to love Him or live for Him.
He may call on divine rescue from time to time, but he’s practically
noncommittal about the ultimate rescue, even if he says otherwise.
Who’s to
blame for the practical atheist’s predicament? Did he attend a church which did
not fervently preach the gospel? Was he wrongly led to believe that God would
grant him a life of good wishes and happy endings? Perhaps he clings to God in
his head because deep in his heart he wants God to be true, but he has never experienced
God’s truth. So he goes on living as if there is no God, and what a fool he is
for it. He lives as he pleases, not caring for God or others. Not abiding in
God’s word, even though he says he agrees with it. Not filled with gratitude,
but with self-indulgence.

The overt
atheist who asks me for prayer will get prayer. Whether or not his request is
genuine, I don’t know. The practical atheist who asks for prayer will get it
too. Whether or not his request is genuine, I don’t know. God knows, and God is
able to rescue heads and hearts from both atheist camps. From the one that declares
there is no God, and from the one that presumes there is a God.
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