Well, like last year I’m taking the summer off from
blogging. Here’s what I’ll be working on: In a few weeks, I’ll release a
novelette. If you’ve ever wondered what makes a book a novelette, a novella, or
a novel, here’s the determining factor: A novelette contains between 7,500 and
17,499 words. A novella contains between 17,500 and 39,999 words. And a novel
has more than 40,000 words. My own novels run about 80,000 words.
My novelette is around 13,000 words, which makes it about
fifty pages long. Oh, but there won’t be any pages because it will only be
available on Kindle. This really short novel (or really long short story) is
called Gears. Here’s the blurb:

When she meets her
hero she finds out he’s the one who drives that black truck. Is he an enemy or
a friend? After he saves her again, she decides to trust him. And she steps
inside the truck she swore to avoid to her death. Will the enticing young man
bring her salvation a third time? Or will Rae be the one whose screams fill the
darkness tonight?
Okay, if you’re thinking that sounds weirder than my transhuman’s woeful tale, you’re right. Gears is young adult post-rapture dystopian with a little steampunk thrown in for fun. Yeah, one of those. Yes, it’s got a Christian slant. No, the Christian market is still not too open to this kind of stuff. So I’m stubborn. I write what I’d like to read. And as I’ve said before, it ain’t Amish romance.
I’ll also spend some summer days working on my next novel. It’s a book for the Christian market…and it’s atypical for the target readership. Again. But it’s not futuristic, or sci-fi, or dystopian. And that’s all I have to say about that for now.

Held captive in the frozen wilderness, transhuman Chase Sterling almost
loses faith that he’ll ever be reunited with his bride and with the persecuted
souls he’s promised to guard. His escape leads to even greater struggles, and
discoveries about his own abilities. At last, he arrives at the unusual
location his people have chosen as a hiding place. And then things get
complicated. His wife’s been kidnapped and the underground faces annihilation.
Victory and heartbreak build Chase’s resolve, until he is forced to face his
worst fear. Now he must choose whether to sacrifice himself. He's endured so
much since they transformed him into the world's first transhuman, but will he
survive the final transfusion?
Watch for my guest blog post at ACFW in July, and for new
posts at Unchained beginning September first. Enjoy your summer. Read a book or
two, even if it’s Amish romance. As for me, I’ll be writing something weird.
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